
How Often Should You Clean? The Ultimate Infographic

How Often Should You Clean? The Ultimate Infographic

Ever wondered just how often you should be cleaning the toilet, the rugs, the ceiling fans? Stop wondering! Here’s the ultimate infographic to help you out. Thanks to Hire A Helper, you have the answers to all your cleaning questions!


Brigit’s Thoughts:

BLINDS: This is why I abhor blinds (although in our new house, we own them)–they collect dust so quickly and cleaning them takes longer than simply throwing curtains in the wash and hanging them to dry. However, good advice: place socks on your hands to quickly clean blinds.


CLOSETS: I like to clean out my closet every season, or 4 x a year.


BATH TOWELS: I think these can last a week if you hang them correctly to dry.


GROUT: Our showers aren’t tile and grout, they are linoleum, with no crevices! Wahoo. I only have to clean these like once a year!


Of course, your cleaning schedule might be more often or less often than what this infographic suggests. Interesting to note nonetheless! Enjoy!

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