When the last mound of snow has melted and the sun grows warm enough to encourage tiny green buds to form on trees, it only means one thing: spring cleaning! Maybe two things: white wine season!
Something I love about living in the Midwest is the visual change of seasons. While I am certainly a Type-A, routine-loving person, I also welcome change. Summer’s offerings of warm nights and endless socializing begins to wear on me just around the time autumn rolls in. Autumn allows me time to reflect, write, and read. And when it’s time to celebrate family and friends again, winter gives way to cozy couch time with those we love. Then, just when we feel our souls have been buried by the chilly air and pewter skies, the sun begins to shine again, reminding us that new life is here. We are born again in the sunshine, happy to be alive.
Spring energizes us through its warmer weather and sunshine, motivating us to purge our winter nests and make way for new life. Spring is an excellent time to discard the clutter that’s piled up from holidays, to remove the dust that’s settled, the salt and snow caked upon windows and porches. It’s warm enough to get outside and clear out the gutters, sweep the garage, repair broken stairs, but it’s not too hot to paint and mop.
Living in a clean space with minimal things doesn’t mean my mind and heart aren’t overflowing with fear, anxiety, anger, lists upon lists of things left undone. Spring is a time to discard emotions that no longer serve me, irrational fears bogging me down, and the lists of imperfections I just can’t let go.
I’m not going to get into the whole philosophical question of brain vs. soul vs. heart. I think we all understand that our rational brain is different from our emotional heart; either way, both becomes cluttered quickly. So, I’d like to share with you an activity that helps me declutter my brain, heart, mind, soul—the me within me.
Keep in mind, these are all examples. These are not my lists! They are hypothetical, although I would love to travel the world ASAP!
Lists are great… they help you accomplish tasks, help you organize your thoughts, and they are easy to throw away.
The point of the journaling activity is not to accomplish anything. It’s to discard everything. Once your raw emotions are out of your heart and on to paper, and once you realize that a lot of your emotions stem from irrational fears, you can let them go.
Once you take a long look at your list of tasks you’d like to accomplish and your life goals, you’ll realize that they all come from the same desire: to be happy. When you realize that gaining power, money, things, and status won’t make you any happier, you can let go of these nagging goals and tasks. That doesn’t mean you have to stop being productive, stop achieving, or stop improving—it just means you can let these things stop controlling you and your happiness. You can simply be happy. Right now.
Jot down the clutter from your mind and heart. Look at them closely. Realize that you are wonderful and your life is wonderful and you have plenty of reasons to be happy that aren’t on those lists. Then, toss them. Burn them. Shred them.
Let the sunshine in… and enjoy spring.
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