Our bathrooms: the most un-lovely spots in our homes (besides, maybe, the laundry room). How do we hide embarrassing things like anti-itch creams and unwanted hair removers?…
Yes! Okay, this isn’t scientifically proven, but decluttering cleared my skin. In my teens, my skin was relatively clear, but when I turned twenty-one, I…
Today, after completing a shopping ban lasting 15 months, I purchased my first item of clothing (I still haven’t purchased any shoes, jewelry, makeup, or accessories in…
Don’t know what to get your mother-in-law this year? Your brother-in-law? Yourself? Hire me! Start your New Year off right by being organized. Reduce your…
Do you love herbal tea, essential oils, and salt lamps? If you prefer taking care of your home and yourself using natural remedies keep reading… I’m sure…
Tiny Closet? No Problem! When we moved into our current home, we noticed that the bedroom closets were itty-bitty. Thankfully, we have an entire extra…
My necklaces are haunted. Somehow, even when they are nowhere near each other, they slither over to a necklace friend, sweet talk it, and then entangle each…
I love wearing makeup—eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, blush, and lipstick—and over the years I have discovered which colors and styles best bring out my natural features. Dark…
Do you consider your purse a black hole? Do you spend far too long digging through your handbag to find your keys? Have you ever ruined your…
Having fewer items and keeping them organized not only clears your space and mind from clutter, but it might also help clear your skin. I used to…