2016 February

Stop Feeling Guilty! You Have Permission To Get Rid of Unwanted Gifts

Stop Feeling Guilty! You Have Permission To Get Rid of Unwanted Gifts

It’s difficult to downsize items you bought with your own money, but it’s even more difficult to toss or donate items that were given to you.


Guilt engulfs you while you stare at the neon green purse your boss gave you for your birthday. You never use it. It’s hideous. But your boss meant well. So, you just tuck it away in your closet out of respect. The same goes for the faux crystal chandelier earrings your mom bought you. She tried. And hey—they were in style in 2004! They collect dust in your jewelry box and shoot feelings of guilt at you every time you reach past them for the earrings you actually wear.

Can’t Bear to Part? This Decluttering Trick is Sure to Help!

Can’t Bear to Part? This Decluttering Trick is Sure to Help!

Parting is such sweet sorrow. Luckily, there are ways to make it easier to say adieu to your clutter.   Last month, my husband and I decided…

5 Tips for Organizing Your Home Office

5 Tips for Organizing Your Home Office

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Even if you’re an organized person, it’s not always easy to keep your spouse or children organized unless you assume the role…

To Reduce Stress, I Always Follow This Weekly Routine

To Reduce Stress, I Always Follow This Weekly Routine

I am a perfectionist and I get stressed out easily. In order to avoid major meltdowns, I stick to a weekly routine, which allows for spontaneity and…

10 Ways To Declutter Your Life, Get Organized, & Reduce Stress

10 Ways To Declutter Your Life, Get Organized, & Reduce Stress

In such a fast paced world, it’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed. When you wake up before the birds, work for ten hours a day, and…

Tips for Logically Organizing Your Stuff

Tips for Logically Organizing Your Stuff

What do you mean “logically organizing”? Well, I think we would all imagine that our toothbrushes should be stored in the bathroom, and our pots in the…

That Time I Lived in a Tiny House

That Time I Lived in a Tiny House

When I was 19, I lived and worked in Ireland for a year. Unlike many young people who live in other countries through college study-abroad programs or…

Tips for Organizing Your Makeup

Tips for Organizing Your Makeup

I love wearing makeup—eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, blush, and lipstick—and over the years I have discovered which colors and styles best bring out my natural features. Dark…

How To Organize & Simplify Your Handbag

How To Organize & Simplify Your Handbag

Do you consider your purse a black hole? Do you spend far too long digging through your handbag to find your keys? Have you ever ruined your…

How To Organize Your Fridge & Weekly Grocery Shop

How To Organize Your Fridge & Weekly Grocery Shop

“There is nothing in your fridge!” is a line I often hear from anyone who opens my refrigerator for the first time.   That shocked statement is…


My goal is to help you become more organized so that you can spend your time in meaningful ways.
The Container Store