mental health

Mental Health Apps to Organize Your Thoughts & Feelings

Mental Health Apps to Organize Your Thoughts & Feelings

In order to feel at peace in the world, our minds need to be organized just like any cabinet or dresser drawer in our house does. Journaling has always helped me make sense of my feelings and thoughts, given me a way to cope, and offered calm in my chaotic life. But in the digital age, there are so many different ways to organize your thoughts and reclaim peace.

The linked infographic covers 18 apps that help users manage conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD and more. In fact, some of these apps have mood tracking features to help you monitor your daily emotions! Check it out here!

Everyone could use help coping with thoughts or feelings that can easily become overwhelming. When we feel like our brain is a mess, it’s hard to concentrate or feel happy. Thankfully, there are many ways to help us do that, including digital apps located right in the palm of your hand.

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My goal is to help you become more organized so that you can spend your time in meaningful ways.
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