2016 March

The Secret to Staying Organized: Saying No

The Secret to Staying Organized: Saying No

If you’ve read any of my blog posts, you’ve probably thought one or two things before: either, “How can anyone find time to stay organized and keep a clean home?” and/or “I will never be organized and keep a clean home.”


If you actually want to be organized in every aspect of your life, then you have to read this post. There is a secret to maintaining an organized life. And it’s not just about decluttering your life. It’s about time—your “me” time.


Here’s the secret: you need more of it. You need to be more self-centered.

The Only Cleaning Products You Need & Their Natural Alternatives

The Only Cleaning Products You Need & Their Natural Alternatives

Cleaning and organizing is much easier when you have fewer things, I always say. The same goes for your cleaning products: keep them organized and to a…

The Perfect Backpacker Travel Kit

The Perfect Backpacker Travel Kit

The summer after my senior year of high school, my best friend and I traveled around Ireland for six weeks. As a send off, our other best…

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist: Basement & Garage

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist: Basement & Garage

How much space do two people need? What about three? Four? Five?   The average American home is 2,600 square feet, according to the 2013 Census Bureau….

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

Have you ever searched online for a Spring Cleaning Checklist only to feel totally overwhelmed, which causes you just throw your computer across the room and go…

5 Reasons You Should Ditch Your Excess Glassware

5 Reasons You Should Ditch Your Excess Glassware

One of the best parts of being a grown up is being able to enjoy a glass of wine with your friends without fear of your parents…

Keep Your Necklaces From Tangling With This Easy Solution

Keep Your Necklaces From Tangling With This Easy Solution

My necklaces are haunted. Somehow, even when they are nowhere near each other, they slither over to a necklace friend, sweet talk it, and then entangle each…

How To Accomplish Your Goals With a Free Graphic Organizer

How To Accomplish Your Goals With a Free Graphic Organizer

We all have goals. Some are loftier than others and some are small and simple. Regardless, sometimes achieving our goals seems like a daunting task. How can we accomplish our…

How To Organize Your Dresser Drawers

How To Organize Your Dresser Drawers

I forgot I owned so many colored t-shirts, tank tops, and long-sleeved shirts until I looked in my drawers today and counted them all.   It’s easy…


My goal is to help you become more organized so that you can spend your time in meaningful ways.
The Container Store